A Few Things To Know Before Taking The Nbcot Exam

When a person is about to take the nbcot exam they should take their time and study. This exam is a big deal and a person has to do some nbcot exam prep. These are some tips for nbcot exam prep so a person will be well prepared when they sit down to take this test.

Overly Prepared

It is better to be overly prepared for this exam and practice or study too much than to struggle with the test. A person should know where the testing center is and how to get there. They should find the exact direction beforehand. 

They should try to arrive 30 minutes early. This will give them some time if they are running late or hit road work. A person should check their wallet and purse the days before and make sure they have two forms of ID. If a person does not have proper identification they will not be allowed to take the test. To read more on the rules and regulations for taking this test a person should read the NBCOT Certification Exam Handbook.

Nbcot Exam


Before taking the exam it is important to have a good breakfast. Oats are filling and easy to make. The exam is four hours long and it is best to eat before taking it. Hunger can be an unnecessary distraction. Foods such as coconut oil and avocados are paid to be good for the brain.

Create a Study Schedule

Some topics are more challenging than others. A student should study four to eight hours each day, six days during the week. This should do this 6 to 8 weeks before they take the exam. They will allow them to process and remember the information. A student should set the test date soon after completing their exam. This way the information is still fresh in their minds.

Incorrect Resources

Some of the material that a person may use to study may be outdated and no longer relevant. Some of this information may not even be on the exam. If a person is going to spend all of this time studying for the exam they should be studying relevant and useful information.

Studying Incorrectly

Each person has a way that they learn best. Some are visual learners and can read the book. Other students learn by audio where they need to hear something. Kinesthetic students need to do something to learn it. A student should be studying based on their learning style so they can remember this information.

Nbcot Exam

Over Thinking

While it is important to carefully read the answers on the practice exam students run into a problem when they overthink their answers. They may question themselves and their knowledge. A student should focus on the question and take their best guess. If they question every answer they have they will not have time to finish the exam.


When studying it is easy to get distracted. A person may be tempted to check out their social media page or send a text to a friend. A person should take a break if they get into a bad room. Studying with a partner may not always work. Side conversations are easy to have and studying time will be wasted.

These are some things students can do to prepare for the NBCOT exam. If a student prepares properly and is ready ahead of time they can concentrate on the exam and show their skills with a passing score.