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Can Apps Help You Through Addiction? A Look At Why They Can

Can Apps Help You Through Addiction? A Look At Why They Can

Addiction is one of the most heartbreaking conditions anyone can go through, whether it be suffering with the abuse of alcohol or drugs, or even the likes of eating disorders, gambling problems and everything in between.

Treatment is a must, and when it comes to successfully going into recovery, going through drugs rehabilitation, or getting rehab treatment for the addiction you have, is the best option.

However, technology is starting to play its part in addiction treatment and the recovery process. But just how effective is it?

Apps are beginning to play a more prominent role in addiction recovery, but are they useful, and are they helping people enter recovery?

The answer is yes, and for a number of different reasons, particularly when it comes to finishing treatment and entering the recovery phase…

They are increasing accountability

By downloading apps such as Nomo and Sober Grid will allow you to track your sobriety, noting your progress and making those suffering from addiction more accountable for their recovery.

It gives those in recovery the tools they need to manage their progress and get help when they need it thanks to the communicative functions that many of these apps have. Those in recovery start to own their situation, and that accountability is so important at every stage of it.

Instant support is available

While it can be incredibly important to go to AA meetings and have a physical support network throughout recovery, having an instant online community to fall back on can be hugely valuable, not only for patients, but for supporting other patients too.

It’s perhaps the best way technology has aided people’s recovery, allowing addicts in recovery to connect instantly to others during times of need and ultimately be the difference between relapsing and staying on track with recovery.

A visual look at progress

Whether it be days, weeks, months or years, apps give you a visual look at your progress, which can be hugely motivating. Those using apps through their recovery can see one day sober turn into two, three, four and before they know it, they’re celebrating two, three, four years sober.

By tracking progress, it allows people to take note of landmarks which can be hugely encouraging and inspiring to the next one, adding an extra level of determination alongside any treatment being received.

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