Learning Environment

Enhancing A Student’s Success And Creating A Perfect Learning Environment

Learning incorporates different ways of obtaining knowledge, as well as teaching techniques.  The teaching fraternity can enhance a student’s success by creating the perfect learning environment for students in a classroom. It will be effective, especially if both sides are making it work. Students have to adapt to the new techniques that the teachers are using, and on the other hand, the teaching fraternity needs to ensure that students are making the right progress. The success of a student pegs on many things, but majorly on an effective classroom. This has to include participation from both teachers and students. An effective classroom is interactive, thereby making student’s learning experience effective, and the teaching responsibility worthwhile.

If the teaching fraternity wants to enhance the success of the student, and the teaching experience in general, some factors have to come into play. This is a two-pronged approach where each party plays a role. It includes the following:

Encouraging learners to ask relevant questions

The classroom environment has to be interactive to a level where it is free for the students to ask questions.  Thisis a positive sign that a student is curious enough and is responding to what is being taught.

Teaching that transcends the classroom walls

At one point, students will graduate and enter the real world. They will take the knowledge and skills they acquired in class. As such, the teaching fraternity needs to ensure that the curriculum they teach makes sense to students especially when they are out there in the real world. It should enhance their perspective on different issues besides their career path. As such, a perfect learning environment for students has to be considered.

Be accommodative to ideas

Learning Environment

Ideas for reading, projects, tests lessons,and so on can be inspired by anything. Assuch, the teaching fraternity needs to be open to ideas because it will also inspirestudents to think outside the box. This will enhance their chances of success. If a student is finding difficult how to present their ideas while writing an essay then teachers should help students on how to structure a paragraph.

Emphasize more on the questions

Questions areamong the best ways to learn, and when there are excellent questions, learning will take place through the student-teacher interaction. As such, it should help the teacher assess the student based on the quality of questions they ask, not just the answers they provide.

Blend your leaning techniques

Students can choose any learning model. It can be inquiry-based, direct instruction, eLearning,and so on. If you can blend several techniques, it will enhance your learning experience and by far, chances of success in your academics. Teachers want their student to pass, and so is the case with the student. Blending these techniques will be a good starting point going forward.

Clinically based assessment is not the best approach

Instead of picking out the “good students” from “good thinkers,” you need to ensure that the students know why they are being tested and the importance thereof. This will challenge them to make the necessary adjustments in their learning and create a perfect learning environment for students.

The teaching fraternity needs to make the learners understand the criteria for success

Teachers can formulate plans that anchor on a mix of classroom participation, testing, and so on. This will show the students how you are going to assess their work. They will have to adjust to your style because they want to be successful in anything they do.

If teachers are to be successful with how they impart knowledge to their students, they need to consider some few tips. They will not only make the teaching experience better, but also have it easy when dealing with their students. Consider the following points that will make the classroom a perfect place for the students to learn:

Addressing the need of the students

Like any other human beings, the students have physical and psychological needs. They enhance their security and order, love and belonging, competence, personal power, freedom,and fun. If teachers address all these needs in the classroom, the students will always look forward to being in their class. They are happy,and their negative behavior incidents reduce by far, thereby enhancing a student’s engagement in the learning environment.

Formulating a sense of order in the classroom

All students expect their teachers to know the content, as well as how to manage a class. As such, it is a teacher’s responsibility to fulfil the expectations in both behavior and academic for students. This makes them aware of what is expected at all times. Instructors can also teachstudents different procedures for various practical tasks performed in the classroom.

Know your students

As a teacher, you need to know more about the student’s culture, interest, extracurricular activities, and personalities learning styles,and so on. This will help you to reach them better and teach them effectively. To know these students, you need to talk to them, attend their extracurricular events, familiarize yourself with their culture, hold regular classmeetings, and so on.

Let your students know you

All students have preconceived ideas or perceptions about their teachers. This can be a problem or not. The only way to impact on their perception is to let them know you. Give them information or new experiences that will make them have atrueperception about you. They need to know who you are, what you stand for, what you are going to do for them, what you can ask them,and so on. They get to know you better and become more receptive to your teaching, and this will enhance the success of that class.

Do not judge your students

If students feel like they are being judged or labeled, they will not trust the person judging them. Judging is not the best way to instill responsibility into students. Instead, you can be curious and ask questions. This helps you in finding the underlying cause of the problem and dealing with it directly.

As seen from the above information, the success of the student requires efforts from both parties. The perfect learning environment for students must be there, and the interaction between them and the teacher has to be encouraged so that everyone can achieve their goals.