Journey of an Educator? You Make or Break Your Day!

Starting to work in the Early Childhood Education and Care industry as an Educator should make you shine as a star rather than stress you out with the workload.

But what actually involves working efficiently in this industry?

Is it setting up play activities so children get busy and show a smile and you feel accomplished?

or would it be

Intentionally planning opportunities and leaving them to explore the fun of spontaneous play.

Let’s explore what practices assist the Educators to enjoy the benefits of belonging to their learning environment.

The famous quote of Loris Malaguzzi states that “Our task is to help children communicate with the world using all their potential, strengths and languages, and to overcome any obstacle presented by our culture.”

Extending on this, we could take simple steps in enjoying our journey as a successful Educator, in saying so I do recall once my teacher said to me if you perform at 60% your class will perform at 40%, hence it is really important to perform 200% to achieve the full energy of the students into the classroom and one shall see the students overcoming obstacles as they will have the ability to conquer their tasks and relations within their community grouping.

Let’s explore further:

For a child, it is essential that each Educator treats the child as unique and builds that nurturing relationship, along with pedagogy practices that help make decisions in the best interest of the child’s ability and interests.

But how do we do this?

Would that be by being able to belong the child into the setting?

Well, focusing on the key term “Belonging” could be greatly adopted by the Educator as this is a powerful attitude one can attain, since belonging within their community grouping will eradicate their fears, strengthen their feelings and bring out their zooming confidence.

So, plan the play in the context of the child’s learning.

Let’s take a closer look:

  1. Building Identity:

What is that one activity I could start that the child is familiar with from their culture?

Perhaps the answer is straight, any festival of the child’s family or any cooking experience that the child can relate too. This will allow for the expression of personality and uniqueness in an individual child when they would easily get involved in it.

  1. Bring in the Community:

Who from the family could be part of the child’s learning process? Perhaps all, or perhaps only at least one member of the family or guardian.

So, why wait for let’s send “Molly” with her book home, so Molly can travel to the child’s home and the parent can record in the book what Molly did with the child & the family. This way the children can show and share with others in their community grouping what experiences they had at home when Molly visited their home and became part of their routine and family dining. (Here Molly is a pet which belongs in her own bag and carries a book along)

This way we will be able to assists children to develop relationships and concepts.

  1. What about Feelings? Well, it’s all about Wellbeing:

Thought of a welcome song in the child’s language or have we got a lullaby in the child’s language. Perhaps we could have an area for feelings and ask children how they are feeling today, so their emotions are addressed each day and they learn ways to build resilience. This way we will be able to stimulate a sense of wellbeing in them.

  1. Getting involved and being an active learner:

This is simple, here we set activities that assist the children with their existing skills, new skills, and emerging skills for their age group.

But giving them an opportunity to play independently, or as in a group. Take care in giving an opportunity to play independently by setting a table for one and a choice of table for two and a group. So, if a child wants to be solo, their choice is respected. Having small size mats for play also helps with a sense of belonging.

This will enhance dispositions such as curiosity and creativity by playing in an activity setting.

  1. Lastly, language verbal or non-verbal:

This is one of the most important factors in child’s day, how are they going to express? Here, we can use technology, texts, range of media to communicate and make meaning, listening to them, encouraging them to communicate their way and appreciating their learning will enable the children to make connections between prior experiences and new learning.

These 5 tips can be practiced as often and these will engage children well. Certainly, the life of an Early Childhood Educator to some extent will get more enjoyable seeing the children cruise daily into play and learning, little progress daily helps build a great learning environment for children to participate and belong in. So, let’s start this exciting journey today.

Written & Published on December 26, 2019, by Ritu Reddy R Experienced Trainer & Assessor | Founder of Inspire & Learn Pty. Ltd. RTO 45125