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Surprising Ways A Nuru Massage London Can Improve Your Health

Surprising Ways A Nuru Massage London Can Improve Your Health

Before you assume that getting a nuru massage means you’ll be subjected to some kind of unsavory intimate encounter, let this article disabuse you of that notion. A nuru massage is much more than a random act of genital rubbing. It could be argued that the popularity of the nuru massage is just one example of the many wonderful ways in which providing sensual touch benefits your health.

That’s right, folks – the ancient art of traditional Japanese massage healing, also known as nuru, can actually have a positive impact on your overall well-being. For starters, there are plenty of documented benefits associated with receiving sensual touch from a skilled practitioner. This article will discuss the different ways in which getting a nuru massage can improve your overall health.

Nuru Massage Is A Form Of External Tantra

First things first: Although nuru massage is sometimes referred to as a type of tantric sex, it is not actually tantric. Tantric sex combines many different forms of physical and spiritual sexual healing into one practice, while nuru massage, as the name suggests, is purely focused on the healing properties of sensual touch. That said, nuru massage makes use of some of the basic elements of tantric sex.

For example, the practice is most commonly performed in a dimly lit room, with the masseuse sitting on a low couch. In such an environment, a practitioner can induce a state of deep relaxation in their client by softly caressing their body with long strokes, while breathing slowly and rhythmically.

Nuru Massage Improves Blood Flow And Circulation

One of the many benefits of receiving a nuru massage is that it has been found to improve blood flow and circulation. Many women report experiencing a surge in both of these factors after receiving a nuru massage. Feeling refreshed, awake, and more “alive” are all common effects associated with receiving a nuru massage.

Recent studies have found that blood flow to the genitals can increase by as much as 80% following a nuru massage. This boost in blood flow can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by helping to dilate blood vessels and increase the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the tissue.

Nuru Massage Relieves Stress And Improves Sleep

Getting a nuru massage regularly can help to relieve stress and improve sleep. Many people who receive a nuru massage report feeling less stressed and more relaxed than usual following the treatment. While the exact mechanism behind this is still not completely understood, researchers speculate that the release of endorphins — the body’s natural painkillers — may be responsible for this effect.

Numerous studies have found that stress and anxiety can negatively affect one’s sleep quality. Those who experience high levels of stress and anxiety are more likely to suffer from insomnia, restless sleep, and other sleep disorders. Getting a nuru massage regularly has been shown to effectively reduce stress and relieve anxiety, which could explain why many people who receive a nuru massage report that they experience improved sleep.

Nuru Massage Has Anti-Aging Properties

Nuru massage has been shown to have anti-aging properties. Now, keep in mind that this is not about a treatment that will turn you into a wrinkly old lady. Rather, what is referred to is that nuru massage has been shown to have properties that help to slow down the aging process. Specifically, this Japanese sensual massage has been found to improve immunity and boost the production of collagen in the body.

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body, making up to 30% of your tissue by weight. It is responsible for maintaining the elasticity of your skin and helps to keep your joints and muscles healthy and strong. Numerous studies have found that as you age, your bodies produce less and less collagen leading to wrinkles and other signs of aging – which can be prevented effectively by regular nuru massage.

Nuru Massage Strengthens The Musculoskeletal System

Nuru massage has also been found to help to strengthen the musculoskeletal system. This is especially beneficial for people who experience frequent injuries or those who participate in high-impact sports. Collagen is not only for skin health but is also responsible for keeping your joints and muscles healthy and strong. Regular nuru massage can boost collagen production in your body, which in turn can strengthen your musculoskeletal system.

Improved Skin And Hair Quality With Nuru Massage

Most people who receive a nuru massage experience an increase in their overall hair and skin health. Studies have found that nuru massage has anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce the risk of rosacea and other inflammatory skin conditions. Numerous studies have also found that regular massage can help to improve the overall texture and appearance of your hair, including those with thinning or balding spots.

Nuru Massage Can Enhance Your Digestive Functioning

Getting a nuru massage can effectively improve your digestive functioning. Specifically, researchers speculate that the increase in blood flow and relaxation that come with nuru massage could help to facilitate the movement of food through the digestive tract. This is especially useful for women who experience irregular menstrual periods or any other condition that could be impacted by constipation or other forms of intestinal blockage.

Nuru Massage Can Boost Your Immunity

Finally, getting a nuru massage has been found to boost your immune system. Numerous studies have found that regular massage can help to reduce the risk of serious conditions like depression, stress, and cancer. This is likely because massage helps to boost your mood and reduce your stress levels, making you less likely to engage in unhealthy behaviors like smoking and overeating. Receiving regular nuru massage has also been found to increase your levels of the “feel good” hormone, serotonin.

Get The Best Nuru Experience For Better Health

Many of the benefits of getting a regular nuru massage service to relate to its impressive effects on blood flow, circulation, and relaxation, but it can also have an impact on your skin and hair health, digestion, mood, and immunity.

If you’re interested in exploring the therapeutic benefits of receiving a nuru massage further, you should definitely consider giving it a try. After all, there’s no better way to unwind and relax than by enjoying a hands-on, intimate sensual experience from the best nuru massage London services on this site!

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